Today three men, Henry Long, aged 19, Albert Bowers and Jessie Cole, both aged 18, have been convicted of the manslaughter of PC Andrew Harper.
The jury had deliberated for over 12 hours before finding the defendants not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter. These verdicts followed a four week trial at the Central Criminal Court in London which had to be restarted due to COVID-19.
The three men had all pleaded guilty to conspiracy to steal a quadbike, along with another man, Thomas King, aged 21 who was not directly involved in the incident which led to PC Harper’s death.
Sentencing will take place a week today, 31st July, at the Central Criminal Court on Friday 31 July.
The death of PC Andrew Harper, in such a shocking circumstances, was a huge blow to everyone in Thames Valley Police and many in the wider community. It is hugely disappointing that the murder charges were not upheld, but no outcome could possibly have brought comfort to Andrew's loved ones. I respect the verdict of the jury in what was a complex case. Manslaughter is an incredibly serious offence, which can carry a life sentence, and I await with interest the outcome of the sentencing at the end of the month.
Our thoughts and condolences go Andrew's widow and family who have had to live through not only the tragic loss of a loved one, but the media attention that followed and the judicial process to reach today's verdicts.
I must also offer heartfelt thanks to all of the Thames Valley Police Officers and staff who have been involved in the investigation. It is their hard work and dedication to impartially and diligently seek out the truth about that night's events that has led to these convictions.
Andrew was a dedicated police officer and public servant - killed in the act of doing his job. We will always remember him.