The Government have today published The end-to-end rape review report on findings and actions (click to download).
In response to the report Matthew Barber said:
"Today's report highlights the failings in dealing with rape cases across the criminal justice system.
"As the report itself notes, rape cases can, by their nature, be incredibly difficult to prosecute. Often relying on matters of consent, rather than the act itself.
"This just emphasises why we must try even harder to ensure that justice is done all the way from reporting to the police, through to the court verdict.
"I have made improving the criminal justice system a priority in my new Police & Criminal Justice Plan and I will be working with the Police, the CPS, the Courts and Government to deliver justice for victims."
Services are commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure victims of rape and sexual assault across the Thames Valley have appropriate access to support. Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) within the Victims First Specialist Adult Service provide victims with emotional and practical support as well as help victims navigate the criminal justice system. To make a referral contact Victims First on 0300 1234 148 or at