The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, Anthony Stansfeld, and the Chief Constable, John Campbell, have today (28/10) opened a new grant round of the Police Property Act Fund.
The Fund, which is jointly managed by the PCC and the Chief Constable, is created from money recovered by the police and the proceeds from the sale of items that cannot be returned to identified owners, including seizures from criminals.
Earlier this year, £106,733 was distributed to 27 different organisations in addressing Police and Crime Plan priorities and the PCC and Chief Constable expect to allocate around £170,000 in this grant round.
Applications are now invited from local voluntary and community groups who can contribute towards two of the PCC’s strategic priorities in his Police and Crime Plan priorities, which are:
- Vulnerability
- Prevention and Early Intervention
Some examples of projects that may be considered include those that aim to tackle:
- Elder abuse
- Hidden harm such as stalking, honour based abuse and forced marriage
- Peer on peer abuse
- Hate crime
- Mental Health
All applications will be required to submit clear evidence of how their project or activity will contribute towards achieving the key aim indicated.
The closing date for this round of applications is 12pm Friday 22nd November 2019 and applications will be considered jointly by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Chief Constable.
Police and Crime Commissioner, Anthony Stansfeld said: “I am pleased to be launching another round of the Police Property Act Fund. Every year, I am delighted to see the good work that is being carried out by the voluntary and community sector and the difference they make.
“Working in partnership with both statutory and voluntary organisations is crucial when addressing issues such as early intervention, prevention and reducing re-offending. I know there are many voluntary organisations working within the community making a valuable contribution in tackling these issues at a local level and I look forward to seeing the applications."
Chief Constable, John Campbell said: “Our officers and staff work hard to get justice for victims. For certain types of investigations this can include seizing assets from those who seek to make a living from crime. These funds can then be used to fund a variety of worthy work across the Thames Valley.
“Today’s launch of the Police Property Act Fund offers funding to those voluntary and community groups across the Thames Valley who run projects that contribute to reducing serious and organised crime and reoffending.
Those organisations who are reducing offending by focusing on prevention and early intervention is a key priority in this round, as well as those organisations who work with the most vulnerable. We are particularly keen to receive bids that will support this work.”
More information and the application form can be found at:
Successful recipients will be invited to attend a presentation ceremony, due to be held on Monday 17 February 2020.