Most people have no contact with the police - and that is the way they like it! Yet it is important to know that the police are there when you need them.
Last year Thames Valley, along with Forces across the country, saw a signficiant rise in calls to the 101 non-emergency number, causing an unacceptable increase in the time it takes to answer calls.
The Police & Crime Commissioner has made improving this service a priority. Significant investment has been made to improve performance in several areas and this is starting to pay dividends. The increase in council tax earlier this year (of £2 a month for the average household) has meant an additional 212 officers and staff, including an increase in the number of call handlers. This alongside investment in new technology means that around 95% of calls are now answered within 5 minutes.
Thames Valley Police's website is being improved to allow more and more reports to be made online, but it is important the public have confidence to contact the police using 101. In an emergency always call 999, these calls are prioritised and normally answered in less than 10 seconds!