Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire District Councils set a challenge to primary school children in both districts to come up with a list of new names for the new food waste trucks.
Residents then voted for their favourites.
After nearly four weeks and thousands of votes, the most popular name in Vale of White Horse was Munching Molly. The name was put forward by two pupils at John Blandy Primary School in Southmoor, near Abingdon.
There are a total of 12 new food waste trucks in need of a name, so the most popular six names in both districts will be given to the trucks. The new fleet was recently introduced to southern Oxfordshire by the councils’ waste contractor Biffa.
The top six names in the Vale are Munching Molly, Chompy, Compost Carl, Monster Munching Michael, Foody Fred and Banana-munch Bob.
The children who put forward those names have each won a swimming pass for our local leisure centres for their family, courtesy of GLL the councils’ leisure centre contractor. Each child also scooped £150 book tokens for their school
Cllr Elaine Ware, Vale cabinet member for housing and environment said: “We were really impressed with all the names put forward by the children and it seems the residents of Vale of White Horse were too.
“We wanted to celebrate the new trucks and have a bit of fun while also bringing attention to the importance of food waste recycling.
“We would like to thank everyone for taking part in the vote and we look forward to seeing Munching Molly and friends on the streets of the Vale in the coming months.”
Everyone can recycle all cooked and uncooked food waste using the councils’ household collection service. Food waste is collected every week and taken to an anaerobic digestion plant near Wallingford to be recycled into gas for electricity and fertiliser for local farmland. During 2016/17, 10,024 tonnes of food waste was collected and sent for recycling in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse.