Matthew Barber, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley
"I am disappointed with the findings of the HMICFRS Thames Valley Police Crime Data Integrity report. Clearly, there is work that needs to be done by Thames Valley Police to improve the level and accuracy of crime recording. The public need to feel confident that they have an accurate picture of crime in their area and the Police and Crime Commissioner and I will be closely monitoring the progress of the Force in addressing these issues and holding the Chief Constable to account in responding to the recommendations.
“It’s vital that victims feel assured that on reporting a crime, they will be supported appropriately and I will be seeking reassurance from the Force that the way in which crime has been recorded by Thames Valley Police has not had an impact on the level of service victims receive. The PCC and I will be monitoring the Forces improvements to ensure victims are being offered the support they are entitled to and deserve.
“The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner continues to work to provide support for victims of crime through ‘Victims First’. The PCC funds services offering emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime who require additional help and any victim of crime can receive support through Victims First regardless of whether or not they choose to report the crime to the Police”.
Victims First’ is the overarching title for all the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) work in providing support, increasing accessibility and improving services for victims of crime across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Visit for further information and to access support.