South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have adopted a new strategy which sets out how they will meet the significant challenge of delivering thousands of new homes over the next 14-16 years.
The number of new homes proposed in each district is set out in the councils’ respective adopted and emerging local plans. The councils’ new Joint Housing Delivery Strategy will work alongside the respective local plans to guide how these new homes will be delivered, in line with infrastructure, and ensure that the types of homes provided meet the various needs of our communities.
In adopting the new strategy the councils are taking on an 'enabler’ role to ensure that the required number of new homes can be delivered, which are also of the right type to meet local need.
To view the new strategy click on Joint Housing Delivery Strategy or visit .
Cllr Matthew Barber, said: “Our new housing delivery strategy details how we will work with others to meet the major challenge of delivering the homes required in the Vale to ensure the right type of homes are built at the right time in the most appropriate locations allocated in the local plan.”
Cllr Elaine Ware, Cabinet Member for Housing at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “Having the new strategy in place means we are in a much better position to meet the needs of communities across the area, whether that is for affordable housing for first time buyers, housing suitable for those who are retired, or accommodation that supports those with mobility issues or to help attract people to live and work in our key employment sites.”
The councils adopted the Joint Housing Delivery Strategy following a public consultation on a draft version of the strategy in 2017.