I don't subscribe to the view that 2016 was a dire year to be scrubbed from the history books. From my perspective I see so many positive things that were achieved last year both locally and nationally. Most notable amongst these achievements for the Vale of White Horse is no doubt the adoption of the District's Local Plan Part 1. This is a huge achievement that would not have been possible without the hard work of so many members of the public and council staff. There are still plenty of challenges ahead in delivering the plan, not least the forthcoming consultations on Part 2 of the plan, but this marks a massive step forward in the delivery of infrastructure and sustainable housing development for the district.
Whilst public finances remain tight I expect that the forthcoming round of council budgets will continue to be challenging, however prudent management over recent years will allow us to continue to deliver excellent public services for residents in the Vale. Saving made through joint working, particularly with South Oxfordshire continue to be at the core of how we continue to maintain efficient services for the District and we will continue to explore other options that make arise in 2017 as well as the opportunities that could exist through devolution.
I will continue to keep up my monthly newsletters - now reaching more than 3,000 people every month - to keep residents informed about key issues in the district. If you don't already receive them you can sign up here! As I embark on my new role of Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley I will explore a similar series of communications to inform residents across the Thames Valley about the excellent work being done by the police and by the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner.