As most people will now know the Vale's Development Control Committee last night rejected the planning application from Tesco to build a store on the Park Road in Faringdon. I was on that committee and I voted against Tesco. I know this has been a very contentious issue in the town and so I want to set out the reasons why I vote against Tesco. I know that many people will be extremely disappointed with the result of last nights meeting, others delighted. I do not for one minute underestimate the strength of support for Tesco. The traders certainly put up a strong fight, but those in favour of the new store were also very vocal, and as I said last night the town really was split, indeed I know many families who were divided on the question of Tesco. I would not argue against a new store for Faringdon, (including one run by Tesco), I agree the town needs it, and there should be no reason to preserve the monopoly of Budgens in the town. However I believe this particular application, at this particular site would have done more long term harm to the town than the short term gain of satisfying the need for a new store. I also acknowledge the many problems that could be associated with the Gloucester Street site, some can easily be address, some will be much more difficult to overcome. We will have to see the detail of the proposal before coming to a judgement on the particular application. My experience with other towns in the Vale and elsewhere is that a well placed larger retailer can strengthen the town, bring more people in to shop, who currently drive elsewhere and boost the local economy. A store in the wrong location however can draw business out of the town, cause significant job losses which could offset some of the benefit of the new jobs created, and simply more from one monopoly to another. I understand disappointment of many, but I feel the decision was the best in the long run for Faringdon. I know many will disagree with me, but I am keen to stress I am not against a big store in Faringdon, just not one that is so far out of town.