Letter to the Uxbridge Gazette
Sir, As a resident for Botwell I was dismayed by the actions of my ward councillor, Mr Norman Nunn-Price, during the Council Meeting, which I attended on Thursday (24th January). At a time when Botwell is ranked in the 20% of most disadvantaged wards in the country, Terminal 5 threatens to have great impact on southern parts of Hillingdon, and environmental problems such as fly-tipping are on the increase, I would have expected my local representative to have been occupied by local issues. Instead Mr. Nunn-Price seconded a motion that Hillingdon Council should condemn the appalling treatment of animals in South Korea. Much as I will join with him in condemning the torture of cats and dogs, I was not aware that the London Borough of Hillingdon extended as far as South Korea. I am sure that other residents of Botwell would agree with me that the time of our council would be much better spent upon issues that effect our daily lives in the borough.