Recycling The Vale looks set to be ranked 2nd place in the country for recycling again this year. This has only been achieved thanks to the help and cooperation of residents. In an effort to improve our service, from 5th October Vale residents can also recycling small electrical goods at the kerbside. Click here for full details. The Vale will also be responding to the County Council's consultation on Recycling Centres. OCC are reviewing these centres with a view to saving £350,000. Residents have understandable concerns about the potential closure of these tips and the knock on effect, particularly with fly-tipping. You can view the proposals and respond here. Devolution proposals The Vale is amongst public bodies in Oxfordshire asking the Government to consider devolution proposals that could give local control over £4bn worth of funding. The proposals focus around planning reform, delivering infrastructure and linking health services more closely with social care. The expression of interest is only the first step with any deal likely to follow months of discussion with government. More details here. Our response to the refugee crisis Since the Government has announced that the UK will take 20,000 refugees from camps in and around Syria we have been in discussions with the County Council and other districts in Oxfordshire to prepare to play our role. The Home Office are yet to inform us as to how many, if any, refugees we will be asked to resettle. The context of the housing crisis in Oxfordshire clearly makes this particularly challenging, but once we know the scale of the challenge we will be able to plan how to respond. A fuller statement on the situation can be found here. Vale Community Awards It's that time of year again when the Vale is asking you to nominate the people who have made a real difference in your community. If there's an unsung hero in your neighbourhood please let us know. Click here to download a nomination form and return it by 10th October. Local Plan - Examination in Public A reminder that the Examination in Public of the Vale's Local Plan begins next week (Tuesday 22nd September). This is only the first part of the Examination, the Inspector is yet to confirm the date of the second part.