The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is funding a Positive Relationships Programme aimed at supporting men who have been perpetrators of domestic abuse; helping them to find healthier, safer solutions to relationship based problems and conflict.
The programme which is being delivered by the Community Rehabilitation Company addresses key areas including increasing self and other awareness, self-efficacy and self-esteem, emotion regulation, alcohol awareness, social problem solving skills training, and skills and tools to resolve social problems and aggression within intimate relationships
It is being run across six delivery sites across the Thames Valley (Bicester, Reading, Milton Keynes, High Wycombe, Oxford and Slough). Each session takes place on a Saturday over a 12 week period with start dates every two months.
This is a voluntary programme. To be eligible individuals must be male, aged 18 or over, be repeat offenders against the same or multiple victims within a heterosexual relationship and assessed as being standard or medium risk of reoffending.
The victim must be supportive of the programme and priority will be given to cases where there is a child within the family or household.
More information and how to make a referral is available on the programme leaflet