Sir, We would like to take the opportunity, through your publication to thank everyone in Faringdon and the villages who supported us in the recent local elections on May 1st. We are delighted to be representing the new Faringdon and the Coxwells ward on the Vale of White Horse District Council. The Liberal Democrats have retained overall control of the district council, however, it is our aim to raise the profile of Faringdon and fight for a fairer deal for local residents. The main areas that the district council is responsible for are: abandoned cars, benefits, bus tokens, business rates, car parks, CCTV, community safety, council tax collection, economic development, housing, the issuing of many licences, leisure, planning, recycling, and refuse collection. If you have any problems regarding any of these areas, or if you have other concerns that you feel we may be able to help us with, please do not hesitate to contact us or come to one of our regular surgeries which are usually held in the Corn Exchange on the 1st Saturday of the month, or as advertised in the 'What's On'. Matthew Barber 244005 [email protected] Roger Cox 243360 Alison Thomson 241204 (Full contact details are available from Vale of White Horse District Council at We look forward to making a difference to local residents and relish the challenges that the next four years will no doubt bring.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Barber
Roger Cox
Alison Thomson
District Councillors for Faringdon and the Coxwells.