From today residents in the Vale of White Horse can have their say on changes to the way funding is secured for new and improved infrastructure in the district.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will allow Vale of White Horse District Council to raise funds from new housing and business developments for infrastructure projects which support the growth of the district. This could include new schools, transport improvements, flood defences, and community, leisure, and health and social care facilities.
The council is asking people to comment on:
- Updated Draft Charging Schedule, including proposed rates for different types of developments and charging areas across the district.
- Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document - the proposed approach to collecting infrastructure contributions through CIL and Section 106.
The consultations run from Thursday 15 December 2016 until Thursday 26 January 2017.
For further information and to have your say please:
- Visit:
- Email: [email protected] -
- Write to: Planning Policy, Vale of White Horse District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB
Copies of the draft documents are also available to view in public libraries across the district.
Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet Member for Planning at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “The new levy will bring in much needed funding to contribute to the provision of the roads, schools, leisure facilities and community areas required to support new development across the district. We now want to hear what people think of our proposed rates and approach to collecting the contributions.”