In today's Budget the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced plans for a housing deal with Oxfordshire that would deliver £150m of infrastructure funding. The Government is also seeking to further increase housing delivering in Oxfordshire. There remains much work to be done on the details of any deal but the need for planning flexibilities and additional infrastructure funding is clear.
Cllr Matthew Barber, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, said:
“While I welcome the announcement of some additional funding in the budget, I cannot stress enough the importance of infrastructure in relation to growth and there is still some way to go in bridging the infrastructure gap.
My Council is still consulting on the second part of our Local Plan and we have no plans for increasing housing numbers in the Vale unless we receive commitments to fixing infrastructure.
So while today’s announcement is a positive step forward, there is more work to be done. I have highlighted a number of key issues with the Secretary of State and I look forward to working with the Growth Board and government to secure the best outcomes for our district, and the whole of Oxfordshire, in the future.”