Businesses will be receiving more support from the district council following the launch of their Business and Innovation Strategy Action Plan 2017 to 2020.
The action plan explains how the Vale of the White Horse District Council’s dedicated team, known as Vale4Business, will support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in four key areas of growth – business support, skills and labour force, infrastructure planning and business space. The team will provide advice on where to obtain free support services, organise a series of free workshops and host an awards programme. They will help SMEs to attract and retain skilled staff and help connect businesses to local schools and colleges.
Vale4Business is lobbying to improve access to superfast broadband coverage and help give information on locations and premises that are available for businesses relocate in the district for continued success.
Twice a year the team will hold forums to bring businesses together – a chance to discuss the challenges they face and help to identify practical ways to address them, including how the council can help. The first ever forum took place recently and explored innovative ways to attract and retain staff. It was attended by over 30 local businesses and education providers with the next forum already being organised for May next year.
Councillor Mike Murray, Cabinet Member for regeneration, economic development, and property, said “We are delighted to launch our action plan and have recruited Vale4Business ambassadors to identify what’s required in key sectors and towns. Two topics acknowledged by our ambassadors was guidance on the new data protection rules coming in next year and how to help with digital marketing. From this we were able to arrange free workshops for business leaders to attend.”
Councillor Murray added, “We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with local business and to support their growth.”
Businesses interested in learning how the council can support their progress or to attend the next forum can contact the Vale4Business team via the website or 01235 422224.