One council will be better for everyone 22nd February 2017 FROM TODAY'S HERALD SERIES... "A unitary council will deliver a better Oxfordshire". After South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils announced... Local NewsMediaOpinions
A unitary proposal for a better Oxfordshire 6th February 2017 Becoming a single unitary council will transform the way we deliver our services to the people of Oxfordshire for the better. But these are vital services that... Local NewsOpinions
If we work together we could have the answer to a better Oxfordshire 27th January 2017 A single, unitary council could save money but it must be right for local communities in Oxfordshire, writes Matthew Barber, Leader of Vale of White Horse... Local NewsMediaOpinions
Happy New Year 4th January 2017 I don't subscribe to the view that 2016 was a dire year to be scrubbed from the history books. From my perspective I see so many positive things that were... Opinions
Please support my dry September 5th September 2016 ONE MONTH. NO ALCOHOL. FOR CANCER RESEARCH UK. Give up alcohol this September and become a Dryathlete. After a summer of overindulgence, clear your head, feel... Opinions
The referendum is not about our future in Europe - it's about our future in the world! 1st June 2016 In just three weeks time around 45 million people will have the chance to decide the future of our great nation. It will be only the third time that the British... Opinions
Breaking mould of two tier local government 2nd March 2016 The following letter from all the seven District Council Leader's supporting the Oxfordshire Vision devolution proposal was published in today's Oxford Mail: WE... Local NewsOpinions
Why Jeremy Corbyn may be good for British politics 9th September 2015 On Saturday we will find out who will be the next leader of the Labour Party. Anyone interested in British politics will be watching closely regardless of their... Opinions
Responding to the refugee crisis 8th September 2015 Yesterday the Prime Minister set out the Government's plans for the UK to take more refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa. As well as... Local NewsOpinionsWestminster News