Businesses in the Vale of White Horse can find out how digital marketing, Google ranking and Google Ads can help raise their profile and income, thanks to a series of free workshops taking place this year.
The free digital workshops are being organised by Vale of White Horse District Council’s Vale4Business and local online marketing experts Zanzi Digital to help people understand how they can use web based activities to boost their business.
There are three workshops to sign up for in 2017:
· Thursday 30 March - 12 practical tips to make Google love your website TODAY!
· Wednesday 17 May - How to make digital marketing work harder for your business
· Wednesday 20 September - Make your Google Ad campaign stand out from the crowd in 20 minutes a week
All workshops take place between 8.30am and 10am at the Milton Park Innovation Centre, 99 Park Drive, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4RY.
Register for a workshop now by visiting
Cllr Matthew Barber, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council said: “These workshops will provide vital advice for businesses looking to improve their online presence. Vale4Business is staging these events to help ensure that small businesses throughout the district have access to free advice which could help increase their trade and, in turn, boost the local economy.”