If yesterday's Sunday Times report is to be believed(http://tinyurl.com/nb9fvy), two of Gordon Brown's biggest failures will beexposed even further. One is of course his mismanagement of the economy, andthe faux anger at sensible proposals for restricting spending from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet. At last week's PMQs the Prime Minister keptrepeating his attack that Conservatives will cut spending by 10%, wheneveryone know that either party will have to make serious reductions inpublic spending just to pay off the interest on Brown's loans. The SundayTimes report exposes not just the terrible financial situation the countryfind itself in, but also the dire straits in which the MOD finds itself.Gordon Brown has controlled the budgets for twelve years and the result hasbeen seen in the lack of resources in theatre in both Iraq and Afghanistan.The desperate need of the forces is shown by the fact that the General Staffare considering the type of trade-offs reported yesterday (Harriers, Type 42destroyers, and three battalions). The greatest shame is that if thisspending review continues as it has started it will be difficult, if notimpossible for many of the project and units to be revived by an incomingConservative Government saddled with the largest debt this country has everexperienced.