Improving the local response
Under the 2011 Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act, PCCs are required to have regard to the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) issued by the Home Secretary when issuing or varying a Police and Crime Plan. The latest SPR issued in 2015 highlighted the following national areas of concern which must be addressed by each police force:
• terrorism
• serious and organised crime
• cyber-security incidents
• threats to public order and safety
• civil emergencies
• child sexual abuse and exploitation
At a local level, the police service are integral to minimising the risk of terrorism by preventing radicalisation, protecting public places, transport systems and critical infrastructure from attack.
Organised crime is serious crime which is coordinated and conducted by people working together on a continuing basis (Organised Crime Groups, or OCGs), often motivated by financial gain. OCGs are responsible for the trafficking of human beings, drugs, weapons, wildlife, historical and religious artefacts.
There are over 6,000 Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) active within the UK with a number operating in the Thames Valley. Therefore a combined national and local strategy is required.